Thank You!!!
Mad props go out to all of those that helped in making this page...
Will Foy for helping me get this whole thing started. For working on the html, and just answering any questions that I had.
Lucie Macelova at for linking itto the official homepage!!!
The Band for actually liking the page and giving positive feedback.
Other contributors included (in no particular order):
Shelley Adams
Lisa (aka DevilBunny)
Mikayla Waugh - Heartbeats and Hellos (and coming soon,
Carrie Fellrath - Wind in a Box
Josh Beaumont - Lines Upon Your Page
Sean Smith - The Sly Letter
Jay Lowe - Argus
Jim Kachmar
Bernadette Shumaucher - Crazy Girl
All the people on Footprints, (the former)Lines Message Board, and the Vertical Horizon Discussion Board.
and of course Vertical Horizon and their families!!!
I know I forgot some of you that helped with this FAQ. So, if you know you are supposed to be on this list, let me know, and I will add you.
To learn more about me, check out my personal homepage.